Sunday, November 30, 2008
Auntie O

Olivia and I took the babies out for burgers and beers at a nearby greasy spoon, The Bucket, the other day. The babies were sooo good. They sat and watched us eat, and generally seemed to enjoy themselves quietly for over an hour.
Olivia said that when she was a baby her mother would give her little sips of beer now and again because babies, it turns out, love beer. This was news to me. It can't be too harmful because beer is recommended as a medicine to increase breast milk supply. If babies can have beer in breast milk why can't they have it directly? I decided to hold off in offering beer to Sadie and Jack until I could check the trusted Internet for warnings and affirmations on the subject. I googled "babies beer," which not surprisingly yielded nothing of usefulness. Does anyone reading this have any knowledge of babies and their love of beer?
Friday, November 28, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Mealtime observations

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Sadie and Jack's First Meal!

Friday, November 21, 2008
Our little sicky

Monday, November 17, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
The world's in the palm of his hand

Sadie's new happy places

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008

the bebes (as Olivia calls them) every morning. Meanwhile I tend to be in my bathrobe until about 3:00 in the afternoon on non-work days. What's the point of getting myself dressed when Sadie's looking this cute?
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Roll Away, Baby

On Halloween Sadie got to hang out with her friend Tatum, who had recently learned how to roll over. (The photo above is of the two girls hanging out. Tatum was still in her Scooby Doo costume and Sadie is pulling her tail.) Sadie studied Tatum's rolls very intently. The next night as J. and I were in the nursery with Jack, and she was in the living room with her great aunt Mary Anne, she did her first back-to-stomach roll. J. and I could not believe we missed it! To top it off she refused to repeat it. Mary Anne was, of course, excited to have witnessed such a big first, but it was a little hard on us to have missed such a giant occasion.
So tonight, after Jack went to sleep, J. and I put Sadie down on her blanket to see about this rolling stuff and, low and behold, she rolled right over! She did a full back-to-stomach-to back 360. I couldn't stop screaming I was so excited. It was better than a Dolly Parton concert. She proceeded to roll over two more times, but then we brought out the video camera and she developed performance anxiety. We did get some cute video of her blubbering that we'll try to post. In the meantime we'll be drilling Sadie on rolling over.