Everything is going well here in Garvanza. We're getting better at soothing Sadie's colic with our myraid of soothing techniques and tools - swaddling, shhhing, singing, swinging, slinging - and the latest additions: the air chair hold, the elevator drop, dub regage, and the double swing! We've found that Jack and Sadie like to sleep in the swing together (see photos). The double swing seems to work the best when J. plays dub regage for these two as well.

Jack's appetite continues to grow. We had a lactation consultant come out last week. She said that Jack's eating 3 ozs. of milk at every feeding (24 ozs. a day!) and gaining an oz. of weight each day. He eats and grows at twice the rate of Sadie. He must be taking after J. in the size department, while Sadie is more my size.
I'm thrilled to be part of the blog! So 21st century! It's great to see the pictures and keep up with Jack & Sadie. Hugs & kisses to everyone, Love, Gladys
Now what do i do?
Hi Gladys,
I'm glad you like the blog. I'll send notices out when I upload new posts.
We're looking forward to seeing you in August!
This is a friend of Pud's. My little Ryan always calmed down from his colicky episodes with "white noise". Sometimes I would take him outside and hold him by the air conditioner and he would calm down. Eventually we found a cd called "Infant Calm". It was recordings of a hair dryer, vacuum cleaner and washing machine. We would put that on repeat for his naps and at night. He slept to that for his first year. Hope it helps :-)
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