We had our first babysitters (non-family that is) last night. Phoebe and Drew came over to watch Sadie and Jack so that J. and I could go out for the evening to celebrate my birthday. I demonstrated our allegiance to the swaddle on a stuffed yellow toad. A bit absurd, but necessary. Drew learned the lesson well and was an expert swaddler by the end of the night. Other than a brief period when Drew was shirtless, sweating, and frantically trying to calm Sadie by dancing her around the house after she spit up her dinner on his shirt and went a bit bizerk, it sounded like the evening went pretty smoothing for the babysitting duo.
As for my birthday, J. and had a wonderful dinner at a restaurant in Pasadena called Madeleine's and then went to an evening concert of Southwest Chamber Music at the Huntington Gardens. I can't recommend the Huntington Gardens at night enough. It was breathtakingly beautiful in the evening. The evening was topped off by Jack and Sadie sleeping from 1:00 am straight through to 6:00 AM. Who could ask for a better birthday?
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