While it may seem small, the latest developmental milestone conquered here is the ability to roll on their sides and stay there. Sadie and Jack have been greatly enjoying getting off their backs and squirming around.
I discovered your blog quite by accident while I was looking up baby names - Jack and Sadie are my top two names! Just when you think you're so original, someone's already gone and done it, right? Anyway, lovely names, and cheers.
I write voter guides for my friends because I love you guys and I want you to be informed. I started writing voter guides as part of an internship at the Liberty Hill Foundation for the 2004 presidential election. The internship ended in 2005, but I kept the voter guides going. I know a little bit about politics and know where to find background on propositions and candidates. I live in the the City of Los Angeles, so these tend to be LA-centric. These guides represent my personal opinions. Take what you like, and research what you disagree with. The most important thing is to show up for each and every election with enough info to make informed decisions.
Watch out world!
I discovered your blog quite by accident while I was looking up baby names - Jack and Sadie are my top two names! Just when you think you're so original, someone's already gone and done it, right? Anyway, lovely names, and cheers.
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