It's been a challenging couple weeks for blogging. My laptop got infected with viruses that rendered it completely useless. I tried to limp along with it at super slow speed, but then it stopped starting up all together. Thankfully computers are something J. and I are never too short on. I was able to switch to another spare laptop we had, but it required learning Mac, which was no short order. I was finally able to download the software I needed to night to download photos from our camera, blahhed, blahhed, blah. We all spend way too much of our lives talking about what a pain in the ass technology is.
Fortunately today was a day off from work for me and I was able to get out of the house with the babes. We met up with our friends Tatum and Meghan at a nearby park (Tatum is featured above int he stripy pants). It was very exciting to see that Sadie and Jack have reached the age where they can enjoy playing with other babies. There was much hair pulling and even a little kissing on Tatum's part.
While I was getting ready for work yesterday I heard Jack and Sadie cracking up in the nursery. They had banded together to knock over the nursery trash and were having the time of their lives rummaging through the trash. It felt heartless, but I had to spoil the party, put the trash back in the trash can, and place it high enough to be out of reach.