Sadie has been cranky for weeks. First we thought it was an ear infection, but then the pediatrician ruled that out. Then we thought that it was acute teething, but when it lasted past a week it was hard to call it acute teething. I had somewhat given up on the idea that a tooth was ever going to break the gun in her mouth, but tonight during dinner I felt that there was the beginnings of tooth that had poked through her gum. It's too small to get a photo of, but I thought that this photo of Sadie chewing on her lobster puppet's antenna might do.
After dinner tonight I put the babies down for some floor time (a.k.a. mama-has-something-else-to-do time) while I prepared a bath for Sadie. I heard her start screaming bloody murder. I rushed in to find that Jack had taken the toy she had been playing with right out of her hands. And so it begins...bloody noses and tattletaling can't be far behind.
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