We normally try not to emphasize Jack and Sadie's twin-ness. Let's face it - twins are a little freaky. It's not that we don't think that twins are amazing, it's just that there is nothing natural about twins. People are not meant to have litters of kids, and kids are not meant to be brought up in litters. That said, it is totally amazing to see Sadie and Jack in the tub cracking each other up, or dancing circles around each other before bed. Or, as in this picture, living their lives in sync.
Jack and Sadie do not have a secret language, or sleep in the same crib, or intuitively know when the other one is sick, but they do always have a playmate and a partner in crime.
BTW, that's their friend Mimi's head popping up in the corner. Sadie and Jack swiped those drinks from Mimi.
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