While I know that there is a bigger audience for photos of the kids, I feel compelled to also share the wonderful art that the kids have been making. Last week when I picked up the kids they were soooo excited to show me the "flying boats" they had made at school. It turns out that one of the moms at the Playhouse who runs an art studio for kids will now be volunteering once a week to lead an art class with the kids. The flying boat sculptures were their first project. Sadie's boat is the middle photo and Jack's is the very phallic-looking sculpture on the bottom. Who knew that you could do so much with cocktail umbrellas, cardboard, clay, straws and strips of cloth? These sculptures are now proudly displayed on our mantel.
Sadie has also just this week started drawing people. The pencil drawing at the top is a family. She is very excited to now be able to draw letters, numbers and people. Tonight we drew a picture together of the four of us. Her addition was to draw Jack holding his dad's and my hands. It was very cute.
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