Our birthday present to Sadie and Jack was their first trip to Disneyland. J. and I took the day off on Friday to take the kids to happiest place on earth - or at least the most expensive place on earth. Fortunately the kids are oblivious to all things commercial and were thrilled to run around, see all the characters and ride the rides. The kids loved Tom Sawyer's island and spent an hour exploring all the caves and pirate liars. Jack tried to climb on top of the skeleton dome, but we convinced him otherwise. Sadie's favorite ride was the go-coatser. Jack's favorite was Nemo's submarine. My personal favorite was Captain EO. Sadie was taken with all the princesses and Jack was thoroughly obsessed with trying to speak to Captain Hook. Jack wanted to tell Captain Hook about the pirate liars on Tom Sawyer's island. Jack was not frighted by anything, even the Astro Orbitor, which scared the bejesus out of me. Sadie emphatically asked us to never take her on the Haunted Mansion again. At the end of the night they each got to pick out one thing to buy. Sadie choose a Rapunzel night gown that she did not want to take off for 48 hours and Jack chose a bubble gun that brought him very intense, almost frightening, joy.
That's a great idea! I'm planning to bring my twins to Disney as a Christmas gift too. Florida Theme Parks
How I wish to visit Disney on special occasions but it's too expensive.
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