Tuesday, September 25, 2012


We are home from our trip to Maine. September was a beautiful time to be in Maine. We had gorgeous crisp falls days to explore Phippsburg and beyond. Momma Su could not have done more to make us all feel at home. The star of the trip was "uncle" John. John earned the title of "uncle" with multiple adventures from going out on the Hermit Island boat, the Yankee, to nature walks on the island. Farm life also suited Jack and Sadie, who literally counted down the minutes until they could collect the eggs and wanted to pick vegetables in the garden the moment they got up. It has never been so easy to get the kids to eat their carrots! Thankfully Momma Su did not mind our little scavengers picking everything they could find. We also went apple picking in North Yarmouth, my old home town. Sadie collected 10 pounds of apples in under 10 minutes. Another afternoon we visited with cousins in Freeport and ate our full of lobster (or at least I did). It was a lovely trip and a wonderful way to kick off the fall.

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