Jack has made the first moves of crawling. A few weeks ago he learned how to get up on all fours. Then he started using his hands to push himself backwards. Jack had not been very interested in turning over, but he got sick of waiting for J. and I to put him on his stomach so that he could get on all fours and this week started turning over himself. Now he can get himself across a room (going backwards) before J. and I know what's happened. He's even starting to lurch forward. It's a good thing, it can be heartbreaking to see Jack get excited about a toy, reach for it, and only end up accidentally backing away from the toy.
p.s.: the blog entries may be a bit slow for the next couple weeks. Sadie is now sleeping in the office while we continue to work on sleep training. As a result my computer access is severely limited.
1 comment:
Molly, I always want to comment on your blog, but mess it up somehow.
1. I am in shock to see that picture! I was 'working' and had to drop everything. Is he sitting? Wow!
2. You described the going backward reaching for toy situation so well. I could just see it.
3. Jumpers rock. Congrats on the second one. Oh, and I'm playing "Jump" by Van Halen in my head for y'all right now.
4. How is the sleep training going? I hope well. Good luck, mama.
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