Jack and Sadie visited with their friend Tatum on Friday. Tatum spent much of the visit grabbing at Jack's head. She's not the first person to fall in love with Jack's head. Pup commented numerous times on our past visit that Jack had a perfect head. Then we went to visit Pup's sister, Ginny, and one of the first things she said about the babies was that Jack had a perfect head. Some baby must have caught hell in that family for a weird looking head somewhere along the line.
Tatum is able to sit up now. Tatum is often a bit more advanced developmentally because although she was born a month younger than my babes, in adjusted age she is way ahead because she was born at 42 weeks and Jack and Sadie at 33. Despite this knowledge I often find myself a bit jealous when Tatum achieves such seemingly incredible feats so far ahead of my boobalas. I know that it's ridiculous to compare babies' development milestones, but it's also irresistible.
Some astute readers of the blog may wonder why I'm posting at 4:30 in the morning on a work day. We finally broke down and dove into sleep training with Jack. Sadie's next, but to start we decided to tackle the child with the hardest time sleeping. This is night 4 of sleep training Jack. He's actually been doing great, and there has only been a few long spells of crying. Unfortunately 3:00/4:00 AM is one of his hardest spots. He has now been up for 55 minutes, with most of that spent screaming. I'm blogging in between "check ins" to distract myself. Thank god we've seen some good results from the process so far, otherwise I'd be breaking down at the moment, slapping him in a swing, and trying to get some sleep myself before I have to get up for work in an hour and a half.
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