Sadie and Jack are soooo smart. Tonight at dinner Jack learned how to drink from a cup. The baby books had recommended that we start providing a cup of water at dinner so that the babies can learn how to use cups and eventually transition off bottles. Generally the cups have been used for loudly banging the high chair tray, but tonight Jack picked up his cup and started drinking from it. He doesn't even like water. Ever time he'd take a sip he'd make a disgusted face, but he was so enamored with his new skill that he kept drinking the water!
Sadie's latest breakthrough is that she has learned how to imitate sounds we make. She's gotten really into clicking her tongue back at us, and this weekend she learned how to give a raspberry! Raspberries are hard to describe, if you're not familiar with the term, but it's essentially when you stick your tongue out and blow out making a fart sound. Archie Bunker made the raspberry famous on All in the Family, and we're big Archie Bunker fans, so there are a lot of raspberries in our household. Sadie's pretty darn cute when she gives a raspberry.
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