Sorry for the delay in posts - I was working on our taxes last week and somehow it sapped every last minute I had at the computer. The other thing that has happened is that we seem to be able to do a lot more with the babies now. There is less time at home (thus less picture-taking) and more time out-and-about with Sadie and Jack. Our lives are starting to resemble normal people again. Instead of having to rely on J. for all the grocery shopping I can actually go to the supermarket myself with the babies. Multiple births are so common supermarkets even make special carts that fit two babies at once.
This is a picture from one of recent grocery outings. The babies started to get a little fussy and I had forgotten to bring any toys so I had to resort to entertaining them by letting them play with a plastic produce bag. The bag did the trick and we made it through an entire shopping trip without any major meltdowns.
I'm finding that household items work wonders with 11 month-olds. Another mother recently mentioned that her 13 month-old loves toothbrushes. Toothbrushes = brilliant! I went out and bought a bunch of cheap toothbrushes and the babies are in hog heaven with them. When we get really desperate for a new activity we let them tear up catalogs, but that requires more supervision than toothbrushes because toothbrushes cannot be consumed.
Those two are cute as bugs!
They are super cute!
The day before you posted this, Harper brought her toothbrush with her to the supermarket. She must have been channeling Jack & Sadie ;)
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