Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all!

I apologize for not posting for so long. I spent hours last weekend trying to post a video, and ultimately failed at doing so. I meant to post some photos during the week, but it was a crazy week. Sadie came down with the Croup and was sounding like an injured seal for a couple of days. We spent Wednesday night at the urgent care. Then Thursday Jack woke up with terrible congestion in his chest and we had go straight to the doctor's. They've been recovering and improving since then, but between work and caring for them I never got back to the blog.

We took these photos yesterday at the park. We have not done anything for father's day yet because J. has carte blanche to sleep in, and he's taking advantage of it!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Swimming Lessons

We managed to get a photo this week at the babies' swim lessons - although Sadie was not too thrilled about having to wait to get into the pool. The babies are doing great in the class. Jack loved sitting on the edge of the pool and jumping into his dad's arms. It will be very exciting to watch as the babies begin to understand kicking and paddling. Right now the classes are pretty limited to singing songs in the pool. There's nothing like the Hookie Pokie in water.


We've started the hunt for preschools. Sadie, Jack and I spent Friday morning watching a couple dozen toddlers preform Mardi Gras songs. It was the only way to visit a highly respected preschool in the neighborhood. After the toddlers performed an impressive number of songs (well over 10), we hunted down the preschool director and tried to make a good impression. I figure if nothing else I should stand out as the mom with two babies. All this to try to get Jack and Sadie into the fall 2010 class at the preschool {sigh}.

Afterwards we went over to our friend Jen's house for a play date with the adorable Mimi. Here's Sadie muscling Mimi away from Mimi's walker. Teaching this girl to share may be a problem.