Sunday, April 22, 2012

4 Years Old!

Our babies are 4! We celebrated Sadie and Jack's 4th birthday yesterday with a party at Vista Hermosa Park. It will be a memorable birthday. Sadie vomited in the middle of the party. It seems like it was part of a 24-hour stomach bug that has hopefully passed. Jack was not sick and seemed to enjoy his party thoroughly. He got very into being the parade leader as we lead the kids around the park before cake. Jack was so sweet, he asked for a coconut cake because J. likes coconut cake and he wanted to give a piece of his cake to his dad. It doesn't get much sweeter than that. Sadie wanted her traditional chocolate cake. She's a purist. Her stomach bug did not stop her from eating cake, which she thankfully did not throw up.

Once we got past the vomiting, it was a lovely party, made extra special because Pud was here to celebrate with the kids. We had lots of family friends and friends from the Playhouse, including all the Playhouse teachers.

Tomorrow we give our birthday present to the kids - Disneyland. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Happy 4th Birthday to Jack and Sadie! They are so grown up! Congratulations to Mom and Dad on surviving the past 4 years. Someone should throw you a party!