Olivia and I took the babies out for burgers and beers at a nearby greasy spoon, The Bucket, the other day. The babies were sooo good. They sat and watched us eat, and generally seemed to enjoy themselves quietly for over an hour.
Olivia said that when she was a baby her mother would give her little sips of beer now and again because babies, it turns out, love beer. This was news to me. It can't be too harmful because beer is recommended as a medicine to increase breast milk supply. If babies can have beer in breast milk why can't they have it directly? I decided to hold off in offering beer to Sadie and Jack until I could check the trusted Internet for warnings and affirmations on the subject. I googled "babies beer," which not surprisingly yielded nothing of usefulness. Does anyone reading this have any knowledge of babies and their love of beer?
1 comment:
I don't know about babies and beer. Harper loves everything that goes in her mouth, even blue cheese, curry, and dirt. So, I bet she'd love beer. I also suspect babies' taste buds are not fully functional?
If we had a cold when we were little, my mom would give us a hot toddy. I guess giving beer to a baby would be o.k. if you can give Wild Turkey to a toddler...
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